Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thing 24: What's Changed?

Wow! Has it been almost a year since I did Thing 1? At that time, I had a little baby blog, hadn't even tried Flickr, and didn't know a thing about Ning.

Since then, I've:
  • Grown my blog, Travels with Children, enough that I'm becoming known in the travel-blogger world. I moved from a free Wordpress setup to a self-hosted blog with plugins and theme variations. I've learned about SEO and monetization and other things that go with having a serious blog. Instead of random posts, I have a pretty strict posting schedule of 4-5 times a week.
  • Begun blogging for Uptake, a travel aggregate site. It's nice to get paid (a little bit) for blogging.
  • Started a review blog that complements my travel blog.
  • I'm also writing for Midwest Parents. A group blog is an interesting thing to work with as well.
  • Joined two other Ning sites, and jumped in with both feet. I was one of the first 200 members of Twittermoms, a Ning group with 6000+ members now. It made my day to be named Twittermom of the Week a few months ago.
  • I've also grown fond of Twitter, as my twitter grade shows. I've found Twitter to be useful for throwing out those tidbits that I just want to tell someone, as well as for gathering information. Twitter has been useful in a variety of ways.
What do I like about blogging?
  • Sharing information with other people. I'm not a this-is-what's-on-my-mind-today kind of blogger. My blogging is primarily to inform about things with which I have experience, like taking a 3800-mile, 17-day road trip with four young children in December and January.
  • Making a little money. Not much, granted, but enough to pay for hosting fees and Flickr memberships.
  • Having a written record. Since much of what I write is experiences with my kids, we'll have a permanent record of our adventures.
Have I found other blogs to read?
  • Um, yeah. I currently have 254 blogs on my RSS reader. . .
Do I comment on others' blogs?
  • Yes, daily. I don't comment on everything I read, but I do comment on things that strike me as interesting or useful. As a blogger, I enjoy getting comments, and I like being part of the blogging conversation. A lot of networking has been done through comments.
I guess I'm walking proof that the 23 things were useful. I came, I learned, I put into practice.

And I'm excited to learn a whole lot of new Things!

1 comment:

crazylibrarylady said...

Well, one of the benefits to using the same blog this time around is that you don't have to waste any time building a new one, although I think it will help to refresh some skills learned before. You are really cruising on working through the things. I'll find it motivating to subscribe to your blog and see how you are doing.