Thursday, January 31, 2008

Online Image Generators. Or, I've done too many Things today and can't think of any more catchy titles.

I didn't look at the whole list of 23Things before I started this venture. It seems that as I go down the list, the things are getting to be less useful in the real world. It's nice to know these things are possible, but how much time should one spend on these "extras"?

In the real world, would you say, "Gee, I need to make a poster/picture/logo. Let me go online and see if there are some cool tools that I can use?" Or would you just go to Word, Publisher, or another program that you're well-versed in and patch something together even though it's not the newest or coolest idea ever seen?

I suppose there will be times when we'll want to show that we're with the times and can do some cool stuff. But to do them just for the sake of saying we can seems to be rather useless. It reminds me a little of classrooms 15-20 years ago where we said we had to have a computer in ever classroom even though many teachers had no idea what to do with those computers. So they came up with things to do on the computer, even though the wasn't as real as it might have been without the computer.

On the other hand, if the computers had not been put in the classrooms, the better technology uses that we have now would probably not have come about. So maybe all these "fun" things will end up being useful in the future. Only time will tell.

Off to publish this post and see where my "no peanuts" lunchbag showed up when I sent it directly from ImageChef. My little food allergy guy will think that's pretty cool.

It didn't automatically post, so I'm back to cutting and pasting code. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Thanks so much for visiting and stopping by my blog, I appreciate your comment :) Have a wonderful weekend and many greetings!