Friday, June 12, 2009

The End of the Things

I looked over the rest of the Things tonight, and I've decided I'm not going to complete the project. Some of these I've been using already and I don't have the energy to blog about them, and others seem pretty useless to me. Perhaps it's because I'm up against the deadline as well.

Something I didn't think to add to the survey is this: It might be nice to do a "pick 10" program, i.e. have 20 things to choose from, and pick the 10 that would be most useful/interesting to program participants. I ran into one or two here that I really didn't want to do, which affected my decision to do the rest of the Things.

Thanks for putting together the program--the multitypes have done a lot of work with this and I don't want you to think your work was in vain. I plan to return to the program pages when I encounter new things; it will serve as a good reference in that regard.

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